The Britam Family Funeral Plan enables families to cater for funeral expenses in the event of death of a family member. Members of the covered group can include members of a nuclear family (spouse and children including the legally adopted) and the biological parents of both spouses below age 75 years. Extended family members such as brothers, sisters, grandparents etc. are not covered.
The funeral plan covers least 4 family members as a stand-alone product.
Minimum entry age is 18 years.
Maximum entry age is 65 years for the primary covered.
School-going children up to the age of 23 may also be covered.
Maximum age on cover is limited to 82 years.
Minimum premium is KES 770.
Maximum premium depends on the size of the family and option purchased.
Benefit (Sum assured): Minimum Kshs. 150,000- Maximum Kshs. 500,000.
Term- No minimum or maximum term.
There is no medical examination required for the product.
Premiums may be payable at various frequencies i.e. Monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, annually.