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Britam Bella

Money Market Fund

Moneyfest with the Britam Money Market Fund

Are you looking to upgrade your home appliances, planning a group holiday or saving for some new tech equipment for your side hustle?  Then the Britam Money Market Fund is your ideal savings tool.

Why Choose the Britam Money Market Fund?

This is a type of unit trust or collective investment scheme that invests in short term money market instruments such as fixed deposit accounts, treasury bills or treasury bonds. It is suitable for low-risk investors who seek competitive, stable returns and offers quick accessibility of funds. Interest is earned and compounded daily. The fund is regulated by the Capital Markets Authority.

Investing with the Britam Money Market Fund is straightforward. Your contributions are pooled with those of other investors, allowing us to invest in high-quality, low-risk securities. This collective investment approach maximizes returns and minimizes risks, making it ideal for new investors.

Do you have a dream or goal you wish to achieve within a certain timeframe? The Britam Money Market fund will help you plan your financial goals whether it be setting up an emergency fund, saving for school fees, or saving up for a business project.

Open an account today and start saving for;

  • Emergencies
  • Holidays / getaways
  • Phone upgrade
  • Home-improvement projects
  • Tech gadgets
  • School tuition
  • Welfare for family and friends

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